Sumeet Mishra, PhD student in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering from Prof. Tracy’s group, received a 2015 Gold Graduate Student Award (GSA) from the Materials Research Society (MRS) for his work using chains of magnetic nanoparticles to control the actuation of elastomer thin films, which has applications in soft robotics. The GSA is “intended to honor and encourage graduate students whose academic achievements and current materials research display a high level of excellence and distinction.” After an initial selection as finalist for a GSA, Sumeet was awarded a Gold GSA based on the evaluation of his oral presentation before a panel of judges at the Fall 2015 MRS meeting in Boston. The names of recipients of the Gold GSA are published in MRS Bulletin, and the award comes with a $400 prize, waiver of meeting registration, and one-year MRS student membership.
The results of Sumeet’s research were recently published in Nanoscale and discussed in the following post at NC State’s research blog:
Nanoscale Paper: