Continuing a long-tradition, MSE received multiple distinctions at the annual Microscopy and Microanalysis meeting, held August 8-10 in St. Louis. Everett Grimley won a Student Scholar Award, Weizong Zhu won a Postdoctoral Scholar Award, and Houston Dycus won the MSA International Scholar Award. Everett, Weizong, and Houston are in the LeBeau research group. As well, former and now adjunct faulty member, Phillip Russel was inducted as a Fellow of the Microscopy Society of America.
Professor Elizabeth Dickey organized the symposium on Advanced Microscopy and Microanalysis of Complex Oxides and serves as a Physical Sciences Director on the Microscopy Society of America. Professor Jim LeBeau is serving as the Microanalysis Society co-chair for the 2018 M&M meeting, which will be held in Baltimore, Aug. 5-9.