The SEAS traineeship hosted an “Emerging Data Science Initiatives in Materials Research, Development and Manufacturing Networking Dinner” at the NC State Carol Johnson Poole Clubhouse with external advisory board members, SEAS trainees, and graduate students within the College of Engineering with interest in data sciences as part of its recent advisory board meeting. The goal of the networking event was to educate graduate students on industry and national laboratory responses to the increasing availability of data in materials research, processing and manufacturing, as well as, to showcase student’s research activities to the external community.
An exciting poster session garnered dynamic discussion among attendees and sparked engagement that transpired through the evening. Over dinner, each advisory member presented the utilization of data sciences and the need for scientists and engineers that will pioneer advances in data-enabled science and engineering of skills to process large amounts of data. The evening concluded with continued networking of students and advisory board members. As a result of this event, students were able to understand the growing need for programs such as the SEAS traineeship and establish relationships that will last beyond the lifespan of the program. The traineeship will continue to provide unique opportunities for networking, extramural research experiences, and building professional identities, yielding students with skills to compete for a range of career opportunities.
External Advisory Board Members: Kristen Brosnan, Technical Operations Leader, GE Global Research; Matthew Burch (NCSU MSE PhD 2016), Senior Research Scientist, 3M; John Daniels, Associate Professor, University of South Wales School of Materials Science and Engineering; Sergei Kalinin, Director, Institute for Functional Imaging of Materials, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Igor Levin, Materials Structure and Data Group, National Institute of Standards and Technology; Bryce Meredig, Founder & Chief Science Officer, Citrine Informatics; Eric Stach, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Pennsylvania; Stephen Streiffer, Director, Advanced Photon Source and Associate Laboratory Director, Photon Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory