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An NC State wolf die cut image with the text "NC State Day of Giving 03.23.22" over a photo of a circuit board.

Day of Giving supports COE student programs, research and more

The College of Engineering will be rallying together alumni, faculty, staff members and friends for NC State University’s fourth annual Day of Giving on March 23. The College’s nine academic departments will be competing to receive the most gifts on Day of Giving to win an additional share of $15,000 in prize money from Dean Louis…

Printing Perovskite Single Crystals for Photonics

A new paper co-authored by Tony, a Ph.D. student in MSE, will appear in Advanced Materials(link here), a premier journal in our field. About the...

College will grow faculty, student enrollment thanks to legislative funding

To continue providing job-ready graduates for North Carolina’s ever-growing tech economy, the state’s largest public university will get even larger in the next few years. North Carolina State University will add about 4,000 students – 2,000 undergraduates and 2,000 graduate students – in engineering disciplines and computer science over the next five years. The growth…