Speaker: Dr. Connal Murray
Affiliation: IBM
Abstract: The emergence of quantum computing has enabled new paradigms of solving problems considered intractable on classical computing platforms. A critical link in its implementation is the understanding of what constraints pose the greatest limitations on qubit performance. Qubit scaling follows different metrics than those associated with classical computing, driven by the requirement that the fragile states they possess can be retained for sufficiently long times. After a brief introduction into superconducting transmon qubits, I will discuss how various materials can impact relaxation times in these devices and how we can effectively model such behavior using analytical and computational approaches. The resulting analysis provides guidance into the design of qubits and the metallization that comprises them, allowing for a more accurate comparison of parameters that can influence their manufacture and operation. I will also detail how these aspects provide a framework for understanding the evolution of IBM’s offerings in the era of near-term quantum computing.
Biography: Conal E. Murray is a Research Staff Member at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. He received the Sc.B. degree in mechanics and materials science from Harvard University, M.S. in mechanical engineering from Boston University, and the Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from Northwestern University. His research focuses on the study of loss mechanisms in quantum computing and the micromechanics of semiconductor devices. Dr. Murray has received 4 IBM Research Division awards, the IEEE 2017 Van Duzer prize and was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society in 2018. He has authored or co-authored over 100 scientific publications, 3 book chapters, and holds over 90 patents. He served as co-chair of the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting and has been on the organizing committee of the Denver X-ray Conference since 2012.