
Friction Stir Laboratory

A suite of solid-state metal manufacturing capabilities:

AEE-FSW C8×10/2 C-type friction stir welding (FSW) machine
Custom-made Friction Stir Consolidation setup for high-temperature materials
Friction Stir Extrusion and Drawing

Nano Mechanical Testing and Characterization Laboratory

Our Nano mechanical testing (PI 89 SEM PicoIndenter) can perform mechanical characterization on small-scale samples at temperatures up to 1000°C. The PI 89 has in-situ heating elements on the probe and sample that allow for indentation at elevated temperatures. The PI 89 also has cryogenic temperature options that can perform quantitative in-situ nanomechanical testing at temperatures down to -130°C

Our expertise in meso-nanoscale characterization allows a multi-length scale analysis of our materials.

3-D serial sectioning of friction stir welded Al-Cu

Center of Additive Manufacturing and Logistics (CAMAL)

Dr. Gwalani CAMAL Profile