Welcome to the Xu research group

Our research focuses on developing low dimension materials (thin films, heterostructures, nanomembranes, and nanostructures) that display novel ferroic (ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, multiferroic), nanomechanical, and electromechanical properties, and utilizing various external stimuli to achieve the control of the emerging properties in these materials for next-generation nanoelectronics. We use a combination of atomic-scale synthesis such as pulsed-laser deposition, nanoscale manipulation, device fabrication, and a variety of structural and electrical characterization methods to understand the structure-property relationship in these materials on the nanoscale.

News (more here)

October 2024: Ruijuan was awarded the Oxide Electronics Prize for Excellence in Research. Congratulations!

August 2024: Our work on surface phonon polaritons in SrTiO3 membranes is highlighted on the ALS website.

August 2024: Konnor presented his work at the MSE Department Celebration of Excellence in Graduate Research seminar.

June 2024: Ruijuan visited the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, hosted by Dr. Jochen Mannhart and Dr. Varun Harbola. Thanks for the kind invitation and great visit!

June 2024: Our work on surface phonon polaritons in SrTiO3 membranes got published on Nature Communications! Congratulations!

May 2024: Reza presented his work at the CDP 2024 Spring Meeting in Raleigh.

May 2024: Ruijuan presented a seminar talk at Brown University, hosted by Prof. Lucas Caretta. Thanks for the kind invitation and great visit!

May 2024: We are excited to have Eli Rodrigues and Kaden Figuerres join our team this summer.

May 2024: Congratulations and farewell to Ian and Sharon.

April 2024: Ruijuan attended the 2024 Spring MRS meeting in Seattle as an invited speaker and a symposium organizer.


Join us!

We are always looking for talented and motivated undergrad and graduate students to join our group. Please reach out to Ruijuan if you are interested!