MSE Job Board
The MSE job board has information related to jobs in materials science, materials engineering, and materials research. It is run through NC State’s Career Development Center’s ePack system. We encourage students and alumni to go to the MSE (ePack) Job Board, but if you want to post your job or apply for a job on the list, you must be a member of NC State’s Alumni Association unless you are a student or are within one year of graduation.
Faculty, Staff, and Postdoctoral Positions
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Materials Science &Engineering -
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Materials Science &Engineering -
Postdoctoral Teaching Scholar
Materials Science &Engineering -
Open Rank Tenured/Tenure Track
Materials Science &Engineering -
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Materials Science &Engineering
Graduate Student, Intern, and Temp Positions
Visiting Scholar
Materials Sci Engr-Grads&Temps -
RTNN Intern
Materials Sci Engr-Grads&Temps